Sunday, September 18, 2016

                                       Marketing Research to Ensure Success

Researching your market and potential customers are very important to the up start of a venture.  There are several methods to get VOC (voice of consumer).  Marketing for Entrepreneurs give several options.  Depth Interviews, Focus Groups (FGs) and Surveys seem to be a few of the most common methods.
Depth Interviews is the process of sitting down with potential customers whom are interested and/or willing to do the interview process. These are people who are interested in your products or services that you are offering.  Getting a personal feel for the people.  This process allows you to actually look into the person's eyes that you are interviewing.  Being in their presents also gives you the opportunity to show how passionate your are about obtaining them as potential clients.
Focus Groups (FGs) are like the deph interviews.  The difference is that your in a group setting, usually 8-10 people.  According to Frederick G. Crane, FGs can be successful to get the overall groups/community's opinion on your products and services.  Giving you an overall feel for the VOC of potential clients/customers.
Surveys are a popular method for organisations to monitor customers preferences and levels of satisfaction, according to Neal Cole.  Also stated, survey framework appears to be based upon a outdated and false view of people as rational, independent agents with relatively fixed preferences.  The survey framework can generate unreliable and misleading results which can contribute to an illusion of understanding customers.  All of the research methods are useful in their own way.  Possibly all three could be used in some sort of combinations to obtain the needed information.

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